The Vaad HaRabanim of Greater Washington is an organization of Orthodox rabbis that provides the Greater Washington Jewish community with critical services such as kashrus supervision, a beis din for the administration of Jewish divorce, a beis din for arbitration of financial disputes, and a beis din for conversion.
In addition, the Vaad, also known as the Rabbinical Council, acts as a rabbinic resource and supports vital communal service organizations, such as the Chevrah Kadisha, Bikur Cholim, Yad Yehuda and the Mikvah Emunah Society. Members of the Vaad HaRabanim are dedicated to serving the broader Jewish community in whatever way possible and appreciate the opportunity to do so. |
According to halachah, when Jews have a dispute, they are obligated to adjudicate their case in Beis Din rather than a secular court. The Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington Beis Din oversees the following areas.
![]() The Rabbinical Council oversees a kashrus infrastructure comprised of dedicated proprietors, well trained mashgichim (on-site supervisors) and kosher products of the highest standards. View the establishments approved by the Vaad or sign up for kashrus updates and alerts above.
The Rabbinical Council has established a respected conversion beis din to serve the needs of the community. Our beis din is a member of the Geirus Policies and Standards (GPS) network of conversion courts, which has the full endorsement of the Beis Din of America and which is recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. Learn more about the conversion process.
According to Torah law, a civil divorce is not enough to release a married couple from the bonds of matrimony. That can only occur through the transmission, from husband to wife, of a bill of divorce, which is commonly known by its Aramaic name get. Learn more about the gittin process.
Bikur Cholim of Greater WashingtonA volunteer based service organization that provides assistance to people facing medical and related challenges. By offering services without cost, they free people to focus on their recovery without additional stress.To learn more, visit
Yad Yehuda of Greater Washington
Yad Yehuda is a volunteer only organization that runs, Tomchei Shabbos of Greater Washington, Capital Kosher Pantry and other programs that service the ever growing numbers of financially stressed families in the Greater Washington Jewish communities. To learn more, visit
Mikvah Emunah Society
The Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington (MES) was established with the mission of promoting, maintaining, and developing mikvaot in our community. MES currently operates the Wallerstein Mikvah, located in the Kemp Mill community in Silver Spring. According to our tradition, the most important institution in any community is not its shul and not its school. The most important institution is its mikvah.
Chevra Kadisha (Jewish Burial Society)
The Chevra Kadisha of Greater Washington maintains the highest level of respect and dignity (kavod hames) caring for all Jewish people at the time of a death. We are available to assist families with sensitivity and expertise with any questions regarding an imminent or recent death. The Chevra Kadisha of Greater Washington is a public service opened to any Jewish person of any level of observance. Visit for more information.
Eruvim Around the Washington Region
There are nearly a dozen public eruvim in greater Washington. Much of DC is inside two eruvim, and eruvim wrap around approximately 40 square miles in Montgomery County. There's also an eruv enclosing the University of Maryland's College Park campus. Some of the more prominate eruvim include; the Silver Spring Eruv, Woodside Eruv, Potomac Eruv, Rockville / North Bethesda Eruv, Olney Eruv, Aspen Hill Eruv. The Eruvim are not managed by the Vaad Harabonim, please check with your Rav with any questions.
JobAssist - Resource for Job is a non-profit organization that helps job-seekers with
networking, LinkedIn profiles, resumes, and interviewing. For further information, please visit, or email [email protected]. Although based in Kemp Mill, this program services people throughout the Greater Washington Jewish community. |