Beis Din - Rabbinical Court
Gittin - One of the functions of a beis din proceeding is to bring peace and harmony into the world. In the context of a divorce case, this function includes taking measures to ensure that a get is given when a marriage is over, and that possible mamzerus situations are averted. The halachah requires that special sensitivity and attention be extended to a woman unable to marry because she is an agunah
Dinei Torah - Another role of beis din is to resolve disputes and adjudicate cases. According to halachah, when Jewish parties have a dispute, they are obligated to submit the dispute to beit din, rather than to the secular court system. When a plaintiff brings a grievance before the Vaad and requests that the defendant be summoned to the Bais Din for a Din Torah, Bais Din will not listen to any details of the case until a formal session of the Bais Din is convened.
Geirus - Conversion to Judaism is one of the most significant decision's in a person's life. It requires real life style changes, including many basics such as eating habits and work schedule. If a person chooses to meet thse standards we will do our best to ensure a smooth and rewarding process.
Dinei Torah - Another role of beis din is to resolve disputes and adjudicate cases. According to halachah, when Jewish parties have a dispute, they are obligated to submit the dispute to beit din, rather than to the secular court system. When a plaintiff brings a grievance before the Vaad and requests that the defendant be summoned to the Bais Din for a Din Torah, Bais Din will not listen to any details of the case until a formal session of the Bais Din is convened.
Geirus - Conversion to Judaism is one of the most significant decision's in a person's life. It requires real life style changes, including many basics such as eating habits and work schedule. If a person chooses to meet thse standards we will do our best to ensure a smooth and rewarding process.